Resources were produced for community service providers, health care professionals and carers to support carers to help manage breakthrough symptoms safely using subcutaneous medicines. The resources are applicable in all jurisdictions across Australia.
This project was funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Health from July 2017 to March 2021.
caring@home factsheet | Standard caring@home resources package |
Resource development:
- Developed state and territory-specific guidelines for the safe handling of medicines in the community
- Reviewed and enhanced Queensland-specific resources for carers
- Translated select carer resources into eight languages -
- Developed education and information for registered nurses, general practitioners, nurse practitioners, community pharmacists, Home Care Package providers and allied health professionals
- Developed workshop content for medical professionals in rural and remote areas.
Implementation and roll out
- Workshops in rural and remote areas
- Communication and marketing activities
- Conference attendance
Thank you to the members of the caring@home project Steering Committee for their valuable contributions.
Aged & Community Services Australia | Deidre Gerathy, Policy Development Officer |
Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association | Rebekah Cox, Senior Project Officer, Transition to Practice Pilot Program |
Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative | Dr Karen Cooper, Project Manager |
Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative | Professor Liz Reymond, Director |
Metro South Palliative Care Service | Sue Healy, Nurse Manager |
CareSearch (Flinders University) | Professor Jennifer Tieman, Dean (Research), College of Nursing & Health Sciences, CareSearch Director, Palliative and Supportive Services |
Leading Age Services Australia | Kate Lawrence-Haynes, General Manager, Policy and Advocacy Troy Speirs, Principal Advisor Home Care |
NPS MedicineWise | Carolyn Crowther, Medical Content and Education Manager, Program & Product Development Teresa Vaccaro, Managing Editor, Medicines Information Program & Product Development |
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia | Shelley Crowther, Manager - Practice Innovation |
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners | Stephan Groombridge, Manager eHealth & Quality Care, Policy, Practice & Innovation |
University of Technology Sydney | Professor Deb Parker, Professor of Nursing Aged Care (Dementia), Faculty of Health |
Thank you to the members of the caring@home Education Advisory Group for their valuable contributions.
Rachel Bilton-Simek, Palliative Education Coordinator | Calvary Hospital, ACT |
Catriona Bisset, Clinical Nurse Consultant | Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative, QLD |
Dr Karen Cooper, Project Manager | Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative, QLD |
Charlotte Coulson, Clinical Project Specialist | Integrated Palliative Care, Bendigo Health, VIC |
Emma Curnin, Clinical Project Specialist | The District Nurses, TAS |
Sue Healy, Nurse Manager | Metro South Palliative Care Service, QLD |
Brett Hayes, Regional Specialist Palliative Care Nurse Manager Wheatbelt | WA Country Health Service, Department of Health, WA |
Jeremy McKnight, Consumer Representative | Shannons Bridge Ltd, VIC |
Bev Morris, Clinical Nurse Consultant | North Coast Area Health Service, NSW |
Professor Liz Reymond, Director | Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative, QLD |
Paul Tait, Lead Palliative Care Pharmacist | Southern Adelaide Palliative Services, Division of Rehabilitation, Aged Care and Palliative Care Flinders Medical Centre, SA |
Penelope Tuffin, Advanced Practice Pharmacist, (Palliative Care & Pain Management) | South Metropolitan Health Service, Fiona Stanley Hospital and Royal Perth Hospital and Bethesda Hospital, WA |
Clare Warren, Clinical Nurse Consultant Manager | Silver Chain Group, WA |
Thank you to the members of the caring@home National Implementation Advisory Committee for their valuable contributions.
Rachel Bilton-Simek, Palliative Education Coordinator | Clare Holland House |
Kate Reed, Nurse Practitioner Clinical Advisory | Palliative Care Australia |
Kay Cope, ISLHD Palliative Innovation and Improvement Manager | Port Kembla Hospital, Illawarra, Shoalhaven LHD |
Caroline Marasovic, Director Clinical Operations NSW | Silver Chain Group |
Fred Miegel, Clinical Nurse Coordinator | Territory Palliative Care, Central Australia Health Service |
Dr Karen Cooper, Project Manager | Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative |
Louise Goodwin, Project CNC | Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative |
Sue Healy, Nurse Manager | Metro South Palliative Care Service |
Professor Liz Reymond, Director | Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative |
Lauriann Trevy, Area Manager | Torres Strait and Cape York, Northern Queensland PHN |
Diane Webster, Clinical Practice Improvement Lead, Care Governance and Quality | Blue Care |
Paul Tait, Lead Palliative Care Pharmacist | Southern Adelaide Palliative Services, Division of Rehabilitation, Aged Care and Palliative Care, Flinders Medical Centre |
Dr Rosemary Ramsay, Palliative Medicine Specialist | Rural Clinical School, University of Tasmania |
Leanne Davey, Nurse Practitioner Palliative Care | Bolton Clarke |
Susan Morgan, Consortium Manager LMRPCC | Loddon Mallee Regional Palliative Care Consortium |
Brett Hayes, Regional Specialist Palliative Care Nurse Manager Wheatbelt | WA Country Health Service, Department of Health |
Who is involved in the project?
This initiative was conducted by a consortium of Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative (lead agency), Aged & Community Services Australia, Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association, CareSearch, Leading Age Services Australia, National Prescribing Service, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and University of Technology Sydney.
Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA) is the leading peak body supporting over 700 church, charitable and community-based not-for-profit organisations that provide accommodation and care services to older Australians. ACSA is at the forefront representing, leading and supporting members to achieve excellence in providing quality affordable housing and community and residential care services for older Australians.
Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) is the peak professional body for nurses working in primary health care. APNA champions the role of primary health care nurses; to advance professional recognition, ensure workforce sustainability, nurture leadership in health, and optimise the role of nurses in patient-centred care. APNA represents a significant and rapidly expanding workforce. Primary health care nurses account for around one in eight of the 640,000 registered health professionals in Australia.
Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative is the research and service development arm of Metro South Palliative Care Service. The collaborative conducts research and implementation projects to improve the quality of advance care planning and end-of-life care provision in a range of clinical care settings at local, statewide and national levels.
Death and dying will affect all of us. CareSearch provides trustworthy information about palliative care for patients, carers and families as well as for the health professionals providing their care. Just as trustworthy information can help patients and families understand what is happening and make decisions, research evidence helps clinicians provide the best possible care.
Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) is the national peak body representing and supporting providers of age services across residential care, home care and retirement living. Our purpose is to enable a high performing, respected and sustainable age services industry delivering affordable, accessible, quality care and services for older Australians. We represent our members by advocating their views on issues of importance and we support our members by providing information, services, training and events that enhance performance and sustainability.
NPS MedicineWise is an independent, not-for-profit and evidence-based organisation that works to improve the way health technologies, medicines and medical tests are prescribed and used. Established in 1998 with the aim of promoting quality use of medicines, we connect with consumers and health professionals nation-wide, changing attitudes and behaviours, empowering all Australians to make the best healthcare decisions.
The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) is the peak national professional pharmacy organisation representing Australia’s 29,000 pharmacists working in all practice settings. The core business of PSA is practice improvement in pharmacy by providing education, continuing professional development and practice support for all pharmacists across Australia, in order to improve the health of Australians.
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) is Australia’s largest general practice organisation and represents urban, regional and rural general practitioners. We represent over 35,000 members working in or towards a career in general practice. There are over 125 million general practice consultations taking place in Australia annually and more than 85% of all Australians see their GP every year.
University of Technology Sydney (UTS) is a dynamic and innovative university in central Sydney. One of Australia’s leading universities of technology, UTS has a distinct model of learning, strong research performance and a leading reputation for engagement with industry and the professions. With a total enrolment of over 40,000 students, UTS is one of the largest universities in Australia.