Helping people live their life comfortably

Palliative care at home can help people who wish to spend their final days where they feel most comfortable, surrounded by the people and things they love.

caring@home resources support health professionals to assist carers and families and carers to provide personal care and help manage end-of-life symptoms when caring for someone at home. The resources are applicable Australia-wide for clinical services, health professionals and families and carers.

The caring@home project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care and led by the Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative.

Get in touch with caring@home

Phone: 1300 600 007
Mail: PO Box 2274, Runcorn, QLD 4113

The caring@home team

Director - Prof. Liz Reymond, MBBS(Hons), PhD, FRACGP, FAChPM.

Liz Reymond is the Director of caring@home, a National Palliative Care Project funded by the Australian Government. Liz has over 20 years’ experience as a palliative care physician. Her research interests include development of evidence-based palliative care services. Her current position is Director, Queensland Voluntary Assisted Dying Support and Pharmacy Service.

Manager - Dr. Karen Cooper, BSc [Hons], PhD.

Karen works as a Project Manager for Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative, managing caring@home. Karen’s major interest is in education to health care professionals. She has managed many national projects in the area of health education, primarily in palliative care and aged care.

Clinical Nurse Consultant - Jane Stephens, BNurs, GradDip Palliative Care

Jane has worked in palliative care for 18 years and as a part of a specialist palliative care team for 10 years. Her major interest is ensuring that people who wish to remain at home at end of life receive quality care and that their families are well supported. Jane is excited to bring her knowledge of community palliative care to the caring@home project to support health professionals, patients and families across Australia.

Communications Manager – Natalie Blauensteiner

Natalie is a communications and marketing specialist with 20 years’ experience, working within Government and across the private sector. She currently provides communications and marketing advice and services across a number of projects in the Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative, including caring@home, PallConsult and the Statewide Office of Advance Care Planning.

Administration Officer – Jaimee Stimson

Jaimee is an administration officer with five years’ experience in the health industry. She has worked across both the caring@home and caring@home for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families projects.