Using colour-coded charts and syringe labels
The fridge or wall charts and syringe labels help the carer to identify the correct medicine to be given for a symptom.
- Standard resources
- Resources for Aboriginal families and Torres Strait Islander families
- Community palliative care resources
Printing syringe labels
Clinical services can print the syringe labels themselves or use a printing company.
Use the printing cost comparison to see which option is best for your clinical service.
Printing yourself
- Use Avery blank white smudge free address labels #959060 - 33 per sheet, 64x24.3mm
- Select the file you want to print below
- Read our label printing instructions
- If you’re still using Avery labels - 45 per sheet, 58 x 17.8 mm, please email so we can send you the right printing file.
Professional printing
If your clinical service decides to use a printing company, caring@home can provide professional print files.