Terms of use
The caring@home website (‘Website’) is comprised of various webpages operated by the caring@home project. By using this Website you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use.
Although the caring@home project has attempted to ensure the information published on this Website (including all articles, research data, surveys, photographs, videos, forums/chat rooms and commentary; hereafter ‘Information’) is as accurate and complete as possible, Information may change from time to time. This may be because further research is developed and becomes available. Practice may also vary according to what is available locally (e.g. particular medications) and the experience and expertise of local health professionals. In addition, the Information on this Website is of a general nature. Individuals should seek independent professional advice as required. Health professionals should use their best clinical judgement in the way in which Information on this Website is used. Your use of Information on this Website in entirely at your own risk.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, the caring@home project does not provide any guarantee or warrantee regarding the accuracy and completeness of the Information on this Website.
The caring@home project assumes no liability or responsibility for any direct or indirect loss, damage, harm, expense, cost or claim in connection from the use of this Website. All access to and use of the Information is at the risk of the user.
This Website may provide links to a number of other websites. The inclusion of these links does not mean that they or their information, products, or services are endorsed or recommended by the caring@home project. The caring@home project does not exercise any control over the content on these websites, and you are subject to that website's terms of use when you leave this Website. The caring@home project does not endorse, and will not be liable for the content or use of adapted products that are incorporated on other websites. The caring@home project is not responsible for the use of a link where a commercial charge applies. You are responsible for any charges that you may incur.
The caring@home project is not influenced by sponsorship, and express advertising or implied endorsement for any commercial products or services is strictly prohibited. Reference on this Website to any specific commercial products, process, service, manufacturer, company, or trademark does not constitute its endorsement or recommendation by the caring@home project.
When visiting this Website, you may find pop-up advertisements. These advertisements were most likely produced by other websites you visited or by third-party software installed on your computer. The caring@home project does not endorse or recommend products or services for which you may see a pop-up advertisement on your computer screen while visiting this Website. All material contained within the advertised website, and on any webpages to which it is linked, is completely independent of the caring@home project and in no way represents interests or policies held by the caring@home project.
There are inherent risks associated with the use of the internet for the transmission of personal or private information. The caring@home project disclaims any liability for such risks to the extent that they are outside of our reasonable control.
Your personal information will only be used by the caring@home project for the purpose for which you have provided it.
When you visit this Website, the caring@home project automatically log, for statistical purposes, some or all of the following information about your visit:
- The name or number which uniquely identifies the computer making the connection to this website (IP address).
- The address of the referring website.
- The date and time of your visit.
- Your top level domain name (e.g. .gov, .uk, .au, etc …).
- The address of the page accessed and any files downloaded.
- The type of browser you used
No attempt will be made the caring@home project to identify individual users or their browsing activities except where required by law.
Please note that this Website uses cookies to maintain session information between web pages.
The Material (including but not limited to Information, data, photographs, designs, logos, names, trademarks and videos) authored or created by or on behalf of us and published on this Website is subject to all our intellectual property rights arising under common law and statute, including the Copyright Act 1968. You may view, print and use the Material provided that it is for personal use or for use within your organisation. You may not use the Material for commercial purposes.
No Material authored or created by or on behalf of the caring@home project may be copied, modified or reproduced, republished or rebroadcast in any way without written permission of the caring@home project.
This Website also publishes Information authored or created by other parties. The caring@home project has made every effort to contact those authors or others who may have intellectual property rights, including copyright, in the Material published on this Website. Please contact caring@home project if you believe that any copyright material has been used on this Website without the permission of the author.
The caring@home project reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time and without any notice to you. You will be bound by the changes to these Terms of Use on and from the time they are published on this Website.
This Website is authorised by Prof Liz Reymond, Director, Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative. Please direct any emails about this Website to caringathome@health.qld.gov.au.